
Showing posts from 2016

Proprietary Software Or Open Source ?

I use a lot of open source software in my daily life. Android, Linux, infact, I am currently typing on a Ubuntu machine. I’m also a user of closed source (proprietary) software such as Windows 10 and am a big fan of certain pieces of software and OS’s so I thought it would be a good idea to look at the merits of open and closed source software. So what is Open Source? In Software terms,  open source  refers to a software which has it’s source code freely available on the Internet to download. In comparison, the source code for proprietary commercial software is usually a closely guarded secret of the company. Open source software is distributed under  different types of licenses  such as LGPL, GNU, BSD, Apache, etc. In nearly all these cases the software can be used without paying a fee. It should be noted that sometimes large organizations distribute the source code, such as Apache, Open Office, Mozilla, etc. Something else to consider is that y...

Take The Stress Out Of The Exam

Planning, preparation and perseverance are the keys to success when it comes to ensuring you get the results you want for examinations The exam period is always a stressful time, but in my experience there are several things that can be done to alleviate the pressure both before and during the assessment. What follows is the advice I always give to my anxious colleagues long before their assessment. Otherwise I find they nearly go bald from scratching their heads and inadvertently stifle their hunger by chewing on the end of their pens while trying to force out information for their assessment. 1. Prepare Preparation is the key to any examination. You will never go far wrong If you have prepared adequately beforehand. Studying well is the one proven way to succeed in any test. Of course, you may think you actually have time before exam date draw near but if you want to avoid having to rush through piles of books for long hours, why not start studying along time b...