Things to do with Rooted Phone
The first thing is customization. The ability to change your roms to one that speaks to you and how you like your phone. I personally like the CyanogenMod project. They produce slim line rom that gives you different versions of the Android OS to be able to use on your phone. Using mods helps you stand out with your phone and something that helps you remove all the different spamware that is pre installed on your phone.
next is giving your phone power. There area few ways this can be done.
1. removing spamware
2. installing custom rom
3. overclocking your CPU/GPU
The first option is the easiest. There are many system apps out there that you will never use. Some people will never use twitter or facebook or many other system apps. You can not uninstall these system apps with out root because the carrier does not want you to. Though with Root App Delete or Titanium Backup this does not become hard to do. Both these apps are good and function well in removing or freezing system apps.
The second was already talked about in the first thing to do with root.
Third is adding a custom kernel to over lock your phone. This is just as dangerous if not more so than the Rom install. It is very common with both overclocking the kernel or with the Rom install that people will try to flash the wrong kernel/rom for their phone and in turn bricking their phone. Though when done correctly you can get a lot of power from your phone.
The next thing is privacy and control. With things like adblocker apps, avast anti virus app that has a firewall built in, and anti theft apps. These help protect your privacy and keep your phone and data under your control. You may want to try a game but you may not want that game to have internet connection because the game may for some odd reason the game wants to read your email, phone contacts, and text messages. Blocking this app from having internet connection helps you keep your data private and still be able to experience the game. Anti Theft apps like the one that comes with Avast antivirus for android help you keep your phone save and get it back if it is ever stolen. With root you can have it lock the phone down at a system level and turn your gps on if you did not have it on already. You can have the phone protected if the thief tries to flash over your phone.
With ad blocking you don't need to have root anymore. though you still do give up privacy because you are connecting through a proxy with the adblock plus app. Though there are Root adblock apps out there that you don't have to give up your privacy to run and in turn protect your privacy.
These are some of the few things you can do with root on your phone. What do you do with your Rooted phone?
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